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Wisconsin Pyramid Model Web Site Update

Thumbnail of Wisconsin state map outline in green with the name Wisconsin in the middle in navy blue text

We are in process of reworking our Wisconsin Pyramid Model webpages as part of the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health website. We are reviewing our documents and materials and will have more resources to share once our expanded team is up and running …and maybe able to actually meet in person.

Wisconsin’s State Leadership Team Annual Report

This is the WI PM 2019 Annual Report. Given the current circumstances, we created a condensed report that highlights priorities for reinvigorating and beginning to scale up with our renewed funding in August 2019.

Connecticut Pyramid Partnership Annual Report 2018-19

We are sharing our first annual report which presents most of the work that we have done over the last year to move forward on state-wide implementation. It shows what a committed cohesive LT can do as well as the power of really good technical assistance from NCPMI.

WI Evaluation of the Effects of the Pyramid Model

In 2015, the Safe Schools Healthy Students Department of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction contracted with researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater to consider whether or not the implementation of Pyramid Model practices was related to differences in teachers’ use of evidence-based practices in the classroom. Additionally, the evaluation considered whether or not the … Read more

Fact Sheet Introducing the Pyramid Model to Programs and Families

This tip sheet was developed by the Communication/PR workgroup, with input from the SLT to support families’ understanding of the Pyramid Model. It was developed in collaboration with iSocial, our state’s SPDG which is focused on improving social-emotional outcomes of infants, toddlers and young children with disabilities (birth to age 5) through the implementation of … Read more

Wisconsin’s State Leadership Team Annual Report

Wisconsin’s State Leadership Team has been working to build infrastructure and capacity for programs, sites, classrooms and providers to implement evidence based practices with fidelity since 2009. Our 2018 Annual Report provides 2018 highlights, and outlines how expanding support for Statewide Pyramid Model work can address specific needs in Wisconsin.

New York Pyramid Model State Program-Wide Implementation Guide

This resource illustrates how state leadership teams can support statewide implementation of the Pyramid Model.  New York’s Pyramid Model State Leadership Team developed this Program-Wide Implementation guide to promote the statewide use of the Pyramid Model in all child-serving settings. The guide provides an overview of the implementation process, including formation of leadership teams, training, coaching, and data collection. Additionally, a wide … Read more