Routines and Schedules – How to Plan Activities to Reduce Challenging Behavior

The Backpack Connection Series was created by TACSEI to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Teachers may choose to send a handout home in each child’s backpack when a new strategy or skill is introduced to the class.

Routines and Schedules – How to Help Your Child Have a Successful Morning

The Backpack Connection Series was created by TACSEI to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Teachers may choose to send a handout home in each child’s backpack when a new strategy or skill is introduced to the class.

Routines and Schedules – How to Help Your Child Have a Successful Bedtime

The Backpack Connection Series was created by TACSEI to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Teachers may choose to send a handout home in each child’s backpack when a new strategy or skill is introduced to the class.

Teaching Your Child to Become Independent with Daily Routines

Young children can learn how to do simple daily self-help activities—they just need to be taught what to do. When teaching a child to do self-care skills, you first need to know what you can typically expect of a young child, your child’s skill level, and how to provide clear and simple instructions about how to do a task. In addition, providing children with ample encouragement that is both positive and specific will help promote their success. The information in this handout will help you understand what you can expect from your preschooler and provides tips for helping your child learn how to become more independent with daily routines.

Book Nook: Rex Wrecks It

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These easy-to-use guides provide teachers, caregivers, and families ways to embed social-emotional skill-building activities into everyday routines. Each Book Nook is comprised of ideas and activities designed around popular children’s books.

Book Nook: Glad Monster, Sad Monster (Spanish)

These easy-to-use guides were created especially for teachers/caregivers and parents to provide hands-on ways to embed social emotional skill building activities into everyday routines. Each book nook is comprised of ideas and activities designed around popular children’s books. IdahoSTARS translated this resource for Spanish speakers (note the use of @ for gender-neutral Spanish translation).

Preschool Module 2: High-Quality, Supportive Environments

This module focuses on the practices for establishing high-quality supportive classroom environments that promote social-emotional skill development and prevent challenging behavior. Practices related to schedules, routines, transitions, promoting engagement, expectations, and rules are addressed in the workshop.

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