A critical part to monitoring implementation of the Pyramid Model Framework is reviewing and action-planning around classroom implementation data. The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) and Teaching Pyramid Infant Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS)provides practitioner coaches concrete information as to how teachers are implementing Pyramid practices in the classroom. After collecting this information coaches, with teachers can build personal action plans that meet the needs of the teacher and their specific classroom. The measure outlines the critical elements of Pyramid Model implementation, and it allows the coach and practitioner to discuss and plan for implementation of each level of the Pyramid. In this webinar, participants will learn about the features of the these fidelity measures, review instructions for administration, and discuss possible actions gleamed from the data.
Analyzing Program-Wide Pyramid Model Implementation: Introduction to the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) and Teaching Pyramid Infant Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS)

Aug 23, 2022Time:
3:00 PM(Eastern Time Zone)
1 hr
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A downloadable certificate is available for both live and recorded webinars. To receive the certificate, you must fill out the evaluation survey.How to access the survey:
Live participants: You will receive an email after the webinar with the link to the survey. Recording viewers: The URL link for the survey will be displayed at the end of the webinar. You will need to type that URL into your internet browser to access the survey and certificate. Note: Type the URL exactly as you see it. URL is CASE SENSITIVE. Once you submit the survey, the certificate will appear. You can then save and/or print your certificate.NCPMI Presenter(s)

Denise Perez Binder
University of South Florida
Denise Perez Binder, M.A., is a Learning and Development Facilitator at the University of South Florida (USF). She provides training, technical assistance, and coaching to teachers and early childhood programs on the implementation of the Pyramid Model. She is a training and technical assistance specialist with the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations NCPMI) as well as the national Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA). She has expertise in program-wide implementation of the Pyramid Model, Practice Based Coaching. and is a trainer for the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT™).

Anna Winneker
University of South Florida
Anna Winneker has a professional and educational background working with children identified with emotional/behavior disorders in settings ranging from residential treatment to inclusion. She completed her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in exceptional student education and qualitative research. Anna currently directs the Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support Project at USF. This project supports early childhood education programs to implement the Pyramid Model program-wide with fidelity. She also works with the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations to develop products and provide technical assistance for promotion of social-emotional competence and inclusive practices for young children and families. Anna has experience providing training and technical assistance to implement evidence-based practices within a multi-tiered framework in a variety of settings including state-level agencies, school systems, childcare programs and classrooms.