Home / Analyzing Program-Wide Pyramid Model Implementation: Introduction to the Classroom Coaching Log

Analyzing Program-Wide Pyramid Model Implementation: Introduction to the Classroom Coaching Log

Are you implementing the Pyramid Model in your program or are you just getting started? Data are an important part of Pyramid Model implementation and data decision-making. This webinar will provide an in-depth review of the Classroom Coaching Log and how data from the log can be used to help coaches better understand successful coaching supports and how strategies might be changed to improve teacher practices.


Mar 3, 2022


12:00 AM


55 min

Certificate Info

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A downloadable certificate is available for both live and recorded webinars. To receive the certificate, you must fill out the evaluation survey.

How to access the survey:

Live participants: You will receive an email after the webinar with the link to the survey. Recording viewers: The URL link for the survey will be displayed at the end of the webinar. You will need to type that URL into your internet browser to access the survey and certificate. Note: Type the URL exactly as you see it. URL is CASE SENSITIVE. Once you submit the survey, the certificate will appear. You can then save and/or print your certificate.

Guest Presenter(s)

Denise Perez Binder

University of South Florida

Denise Perez Binder, M.A., of Florida Center for Inclusive Communities at the University of South Florida provides training, technical assistance, and coaching to teachers and programs on the implementation of the Pyramid Model. She is a training and technical assistance specialist with the national Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTAcenter.org) and the Pyramid Equity Project. She has expertise in program-wide implementation of the Pyramid Model, coaching, and is a trainer for the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT™).

Jolenea Ferro

University of South Florida

Jolenea Ferro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies and the Training Director for the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities at the University of South Florida. She has a PhD, in special education from the University of Florida and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctoral. Her research and practice are focused on developing interventions and supports for learners with severe behavior problems and applications of both targeted and individualized behavioral support for young children. She has trained and coached early childhood professionals in community settings, Head Start, and school-based programs. In addition, she guides and coaches preservice teachers in the implementation of evidence-based practices and individualized interventions.