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Recorded Webinars


NCPMI webinars created after January 01, 2018 offer a certificate of attendance. Certificates are not available for older webinars at this time.

To receive the certificate of attendance, you must fill out the evaluation survey for that webinar. The URL link to the survey is displayed at the end of the webinar recording. You will need to pause the video so that you can read and type the URL into another browser window. Note: Type the URL exactly as you see it. The URL is CASE SENSITIVE.

Once you submit the survey, the certificate will appear. Save the certificate to your computer BEFORE you close the window. Once you close the window the certificate is gone.

For webinars that we post provided by other partner organizations, please contact those groups with questions.

In addition to its general webinars, NCPMI webinar are organized into four series:

  1. Digging into Data – Topics include data tools, data collection, analysis, and data-based decision-making.
  2. Let’s Talk! – Topics include race, equity, disproportionate discipline, and suspension/expulsion.
  3. Implementation and Scale-Up – Topics include best practices, implementation, inclusion, and family engagement.
  4. Unpacking Coaching – Includes topics relevent to program/practitioner coaching and practice-based-coaching.
  5. Within the Framework – Topics include best practices, implementation, inclusion, and family engagement.

To view all the webinars for a specific series, select the name of the series from the dropdown list in the ‘Category’ filter, below.

Webinar Archive