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The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) is pleased to announce the application process for our fourth cohort of Fellows. Fellows will have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities including, but not limited to, developing materials, providing training, summarizing research, collaborating on research activities, and developing policy materials. Each fellow will be matched with a center faculty or staff who will serve as their mentor and collaborator. The fellow and mentor will create a professional development plan based on the fellow’s goals. The criteria are described below.

To apply, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. If you are in a doctoral program:
    1. Have two years remaining in your program;
    2. Commit to including some aspect of Pyramid Model implementation in your dissertation or culminating project;
    3. Have support from your faculty advisor to participate in this fellowship
  2. If you have completed your doctoral degree:
    1. Completed your doctoral program between 2020 and 2026;
    2. Commit to including some aspect of Pyramid Model implementation in your ongoing work responsibilities;
    3. Have support from your supervisor to participate in this fellowship

Fellows will be announced by March 10, 2025, and they will be invited to attend and be introduced at our National Training Institute in Tampa, FL on April 22-25, 2025. Travel stipends will be provided.

Address any inquiries regarding the application to Beth Vorhaus at beth.a.vorhaus@vanderbilt.edu.

Application Instructions

The following are materials required with your submission:

  1. Biosketch or Brief Vita (4-page limit, 12 pt font) that includes the following:
    • Past professional positions and employment
    • Awards and honors
    • Peer-reviewed publications and presentations
    • Ongoing or previous research support (list funding source and amount)
    • Other relevant work (e.g., professional association committees or other professional service activities, training or professional development work, non-peer reviewed publications, curricula)
  2. Personal Statement (5-page limit, double spaced)
    Please describe the following:
    • Experience(s) related to the Pyramid Model (e.g., research, training, implementing);
    • An overview of your interests related to equity, diversity and/or social justice as they intersect with the Pyramid Model;
    • How participating in the PMI fellowship will advance your career goals;
    • How you will integrate the Pyramid Model into your ongoing doctoral program requirements?  Or How you will integrate the Pyramid Model into your ongoing work responsibilities?;
    • An overview of the type of activities you would like to participate in and the outcomes you would like to achieve as part of the PMI Fellowship;
    • Name the NCPMI faculty member(s) with whom you would be most interested in working along with a brief explanation about how your work aligns with the faculty member(s).
  3. Letters of Recommendation
    Please request letters of recommendation from two individuals who are your faculty mentors (e.g., advisors, research supervisors) or professional colleagues. These individuals should be able to speak to your experience with the Pyramid Model, interests in equity and social justice, the likelihood of achieving your goals, and how your participation in the NCPMI Fellowship program will be integrated into your ongoing program requirements or work. If you are a doctoral student, one of your letters should be from your advisor and must (a) speak to how your work as a fellow will align with your program requirements, and (b) agree to support your fellowship work. If you are an early career professional, one letter must be from your employer or supervisor and must (a) speak to how your work as a fellow will align with your work responsibilities and (b) agree to support your fellowship work.

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