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Affiliation: University of Kansas

Kathryn Bigelow

Kathryn Bigelow

Kathy Bigelow, PhD received her PhD in Developmental and Child Psychology (currently Applied Behavioral Science) at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project (JGCP) at the University of Kansas. She is a former Post-Doctoral Fellow at the JGCP, and is currently an Assistant Research Professor at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project in the Life Span Institute, and Courtesy Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Behavioral Science at the University of Kansas. Her research focuses on interventions for culturally and linguistically diverse children and families experiencing multiple risks. Specifically, her work has addressed early childhood language and social emotional development and the translation of evidence-based interventions for parents, care providers, home visitors, and early intervention providers within both center-based and home-based early childhood education programs. Dr. Bigelow’s work in these areas maintains an emphasis on implementation fidelity, and a strong focus on the development of community research partnerships. Her work also focuses on how technology can promote engagement and enhance the implementation of evidence-based intervention, and she is a member of the Talk Around Town mobile app development team. Currently, she serves as Principal Investigator of an IES-funded project (Co-PIs: Drs. Carta and Hemmeter) focused on developing and testing the Infant-Toddler Pyramid Model.