Deborah A. Ziegler, EdD, is a consultant specializing in disability policy and practice. She has broad public policy experience at the international, national, state, and local levels. She works to further research and practice through improving policies affecting children and youth with exceptionalities and the professionals who work on their behalf. Dr. Ziegler’s interests include policy development, implementation, and analysis, information collection and dissemination, and advocacy. She has expertise in organizational leadership and collaborative partnerships. She served on the boards of and works with international disability organizations, whose focus is the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. She has provided technical assistance and training to nongovernmental/governmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East to implement policies and practices in early childhood education and inclusive education for children with disabilities and their families. For two decades Dr. Ziegler was the Policy and Advocacy Director at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), one of the world’s premier education associations. She has worked as a special education teacher, special education administrator, IDEA Part C and Section 619 coordinator, and university faculty. Currently, she consults with international and national organizations and associations, international, federal, state and local governments, and universities. Dr. Ziegler has consulted widely and written extensively in the policy and practice arena.