Are any of your resources translated to other languages? How do I find them?
At every tier of the Pyramid Model, practitioners and programs should consider strategies that welcome and support diverse families, including providing materials and communications in the family’s native language.
To find resources in a specific language, developed by NCPMI and its TA partners, use the ‘Language’ filter option below to select from one of the available languages.
Translated resource provided by Pyramid Model partners and the Pyramid Model community will instead be located in the community contributions page.
How can I get an NCPMI resource in a language not already available in the resource library or community contributions page?
Due to NCPMI’s limited funding and resources as a non-profit, as well as the great diversity of communities and language needs, we rely on and encourage our partner agencies and the Pyramid Model community to translate and share our materials as best fits their needs.
Should you decide to translate any of our resources, please read our translation page first which includes a translation notification form and translation guidelines. We also encourage you to share the translation on our community contributions page so that others may also benefit from them.
How can I get printed copies of your resources?
Unfortunately, we do not provide printed versions of our materials. Users are welcome and encouraged to print and share any of the resources on our website. Many users take our resource files to their local print shop to have them printed, bound, laminated, etc.
Can we post/share your resources on our website/social media/training?
Absolutely. Any resources on our website are free to link, share and reproduce, unless otherwise noted on the document (i.e., publications made by other national institutions). To learn more, please read our terms of use.
Can we adapt your resources to fit our specific needs?
Any NCPMI resources can be adapted for educational purposes without needing prior approval. Please provide the appropriate citation on the adapted document.
For adaptations of NCPMI resources for commercial use, please submit your request for permission, in writing, via our contact form.
For documents shared on our NCPMI website belonging to other organizations, please contact the that organization for permission.