The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide provides the classroom coach with a reflection tool to examine the implementation of Pyramid Model practices through the lens of culturally responsive practices and identification of implicit bias. The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide is used within the collaborative coaching partnership and ongoing coaching activities to identify when there are equity concerns related to practice implementation.
The tool provides:
- Reflective questions that are used by the coach to identify areas of concern
- Guidance for identifying the concern and supportive data
- Links for resources that might be used to address areas of concern
- Conversation starters and strategies for supporting the coachee in addressing concerns
The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide is designed to be used by coaches after the coach has established a strong collaborative coaching partnership, an initial TPOT assessment has been completed, the coach and teacher have begun working together, and the coach has conducted several observations in the classroom.


Instructions Page

Step 1: Coach Reflection Questions
The coach uses the reflection questions to identify concerns related to culturally responsive practices and implicit bias.

Step 2: Issue Identification
The coach examines all sources of data to develop a comprehensive understanding of the concern or potential issue. The coach defines the issue to be addressed.

Step 3: Coaching Resources
The coach identifies resources related to the concerns that might be helpful in guiding the teacher in understanding and addressing the concerns. Additional resources for beginning to address implicit bias are included in this step.

Step 4: Reflection and Feedback
The coach uses the Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide in a reflection and feedback session with the teacher to initiate a process for creating an action plan to address the concerns.