The Pyramid Model provides a multi-tiered framework of practices for promoting the social, emotional, and behavioral skills of children from birth to five. The Pyramid Model includes: universal classroom practices to promote social-emotional learning and prevent challenging behavior; universal and targeted instructional practices to promote social, emotional, and behavioral skill development; and classroom interventions to support children with social, emotional, and behavioral needs.
This section provides ideas, resources, and illustrations of strategies that might be used to implement Pyramid Model practices and promote young children’s social and emotional competence.
Related Resources

This guide reviews executive functions and skills as they relate to older toddlers and preschoolers, as well as the Pyramid Model practices that can be used to support these.

It is critically important that early childhood programs commit to teaching and supporting each and every child and eliminate the use of suspension and expulsion. This webinar will show how your program can develop a child guidance policy that reflects your commitment to all children’s social, emotional, and behavioral success. Our guest speakers have published two books that help early educators rethink and strengthen their discipline policies and create a child guidance policy aligned with a commitment to the Pyramid Model.

This webinar teaches about how early educators can foster the growth of social-emotional development through the unique lens of executive skill development. The presentation will describe how classroom teachers can a) facilitate the trajectory of executive skills relevant to social-emotional development, b) influence the practices of families of young children to better develop social-emotionally specific executive skills, and c) better shape the success of children after their transition to kindergarten by intentionally equipping them with these necessary skills.

This questionnaire helps colleagues learn about each other to build collaborative relationships.

In this second of three webinars, we will explore how early care and learning providers and programs can use environmental routines to engage in coaching and collaborative teaming. Participants will learn how teams can use inclusive routines to benefit children’s development, to promote provider competence and confidence in using inclusive practices, and to positively impact workplace culture.

This is Part 1 of a 3-part webinar series titled: Inclusion Benefits Everyone (Children, Families, Providers, and Directors)
Join us as we explore how routines can be used as the foundation for including young children with and without disabilities in early care and learning environments. In this first of three webinars, we will discuss how to design daily routines to implement inclusive practices in diverse care settings for children. Participants will learn how to use routines to support predictability and to create opportunities for young children to learn and meaningfully engage in naturally occurring environmental routines.

In the final webinar of this three part series, participants will explore how directors and administrators can support inclusion through responsive and joyful leadership. Directors will describe how inclusion is built across time through exploring culture; setting an inclusive mission, vision, and goals; having important conversations; and ensuring providers and teams have the professional development supports they want and need.

This list identifies five classroom components essential for successful Pyramid implementation. These materials and environmental considerations are pivotal for child success in a Pyramid Model classroom. This form is intended to be a coaching tool used following training to help the team be ready for coaching on the Pyramid to begin. The teacher and coach can review together and discuss if any modifications need to be made before the first coaching cycle begins.

This list identifies five classroom components essential for successful Pyramid implementation. These materials and environmental considerations are pivotal for child success in a Pyramid Model classroom. This form is intended to be a coaching tool used following training to help the team be ready for coaching on the Pyramid to begin. The teacher and coach can review together and discuss if any modifications need to be made before the first coaching cycle begins.

The Pyramid Model Implementation Checklist is a tool designed to be used by practitioners to identify training and/or classroom implementation needs in seven areas: Responsive Relationships; Predictable Daily Schedules; Creating Effective Classroom Routines; Teaching Behavior Expectations across Classroom Routines; Teaching Social and Emotional Skills; Systematic Instructional Strategies; and Function-Based Assessment and Intervention Planning. The checklist encourages individual self-reflection and discussion between classroom teachers and practitioner coaches.

Learn about children accessing group and individual rewards.