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Greeting Board (English-Blank)

Greeting Board - English-Blank space version thumbnail Greetings | Saludos

Use this visual choice board to help young children select and use a classroom greeting. Options include contact and contactless greetings. Includes a blank space for teachers to insert their language translations as needed.

Greeting Board (English-Spanish)

Greeting Board - English-Spanish version thumbnail Greetings | Saludos

Use this visual choice board to help young children select and use a classroom greeting. Options include contact and contactless greetings.

General Data Collection

General Data Collection Form thumbnail view

This data collection form can be used to collect data on child’s progress in targeted skill development. This form can hold up to one month of data, can track more than one goal, and is scored on the level of help most often used for the child to successfully complete the skill or behavior.

Building Routines

Building Routines Form thumbnail view

This handout helps preschool teachers to identify routines for activities occurring in the classroom. The template is designed so teachers can think through each step of the routine, how to teach the steps, and how to individualize them. Use the example for guidance.

Balancing the Daily Schedule

Balancing the Daily Schedule Form thumbnail view

This handout helps preschool teachers to develop balanced daily schedules including considerations such as Activity Level, Child/Adult Directedness, and Group Size throughout the day.

Communicating with Families: 3 Key Steps

Communicating with Families: 3 Key Steps Handout Thumbnail

This resource provides three steps for teachers to follow when they have a challenging encounter with a family to get things back on track in order to provide the best care for the child and the family.

Problem Solving in the Real World

NCPMI Problem Solving in the Real World handout thumbnail

This handout walks preschool practitioners through the steps to teaching problem solving, along with clearly defining the teacher’s role and example language.