Document Category: Visual Support
Solution Kit: Home Edition (Somali)
Use the solution kit cards as prompts to assist in problem-solving.
Feeling Wheel (English-Blank)
The Feeling Faces assist children with understanding their feelings and the feelings of others. It is important to teach children words to use to express feelings in replace of the use of challenging behavior. The feeling faces that follow can be used in a variety of ways to help children learn social emotional skills around use of emotional literacy and vocabulary.
Feeling Faces: This is how I feel today! Chart and Template (English-Blank)
The Feeling Faces assist children with understanding their feelings and the feelings of others. It is important to teach children words to use to express feelings in replace of the use of challenging behavior. The feeling faces that follow can be used in a variety of ways to help children learn social emotional skills around use of emotional literacy and vocabulary.
Feeling Faces: Large Cards (English-Blank)
The Feeling Faces assist children with understanding their feelings and the feelings of others. It is important to teach children words to use to express feelings in replace of the use of challenging behavior. The feeling faces that follow can be used in a variety of ways to help children learn social emotional skills around use of emotional literacy and vocabulary.
Feeling Faces: Cards (English-Blank)
The Feeling Faces assist children with understanding their feelings and the feelings of others. It is important to teach children words to use to express feelings in replace of the use of challenging behavior. The feeling faces that follow can be used in a variety of ways to help children learn social emotional skills around use of emotional literacy and vocabulary.
Visual Supports for Routines, Schedules, and Transitions (Spanish)
This resource provides families with instructions and resources to develop and use visual schedules, routine cards, and first/then boards.
Visual Supports for Routines, Schedules, and Transitions
This resource provides families with instructions and resources to develop and use visual schedules, routine cards, and first/then boards.
Greeting Board for Social Distancing (English-Spanish)
Use this visual choice board to help young children select and use a classroom greeting while maintaining social distancing.