Embedded Learning Opportunities
Develop your expertise on leveraging Embedded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) to support young children’s individual goals, with the resources in this training package.
Develop your expertise on leveraging Embedded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) to support young children’s individual goals, with the resources in this training package.
La instrucción integrada involucra diversas interacciones docentes breves entre el maestro y el niño durante las actividades diarias en el aula. Al identificar objetivos de comportamiento funcional, escoger las actividades que más faciliten las oportunidades de aprendizaje integrado y utilizar estrategias docentes planeadas e intencionales, los maestros pueden ayudar a los niños a aprender conductas … Read more
Embedded instruction involves multiple, brief teaching interactions between a teacher and child during everyday classroom activities. By identifying functional behavior targets, selecting classroom activities best suited for embedded learning opportunities, and using planned and intentional instructional strategies, teachers can help children learn new behavior for participating in classroom activities throughout the day.
This checklist includes the characteristics of embedded instructional practices that can be used by a practitioner or parent to promote a child’s use of targeted, functional behavior in the contexts of home, community, or classroom activities
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