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What If I Know My Feelings?

What If I Know My Feelings? Book Cover thumbnail

What If I Know My Feelings? is a great book for having conversations about different feelings and what you might do with those feelings. For example, “What if I feel shy? I can watch until I am ready to join in.” There is a different feeling and example on each page which can be expanded on … Read more

Remarkably YOU

Book List Remarkably YOU cover thumbnail

Whether you are little or big, quiet or loud the message is clear in the illustrations and text of this book. You are remarkably YOU! Help children see all the ways they can be their remarkable little selves. They don’t have to change to be like others, they just need to believe in themselves and … Read more

The Feelings Book

Book List The Feelings Book cover thumbnail

The Feelings Book illustrates a wide range of feelings in a simple, relatable way. Sometimes we feel silly, sometimes we feel brave, sometimes we feel really mad, and sometimes we feel like trying something new! The book’s format and silly illustrations provide fun opportunities for great conversations around our ever -changing feelings.

It Will Be Okay

Book List It Will Be Ok cover thumbnail

Giraffe and Zebra meet every day to walk to the watering hole. One day, Zebra finds Giraffe hiding in a tree because he saw a spider and he is scared! Giraffe experiences many feelings while Zebra patiently waits, showing empathy and kindness, until his friend feels brave enough to climb down.

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings

Book List In My Heart cover thumbnail

A little girl shows us how our hearts can feel many different feelings. She explores a range of emotions, describing what each emotion feels like inside. Happiness makes her want to twirl and sadness makes her feel heavy as an elephant. Can you describe how your emotions make you feel?

Can You Make a Happy Face

Book List Can You Make a Happy Face! Cover thumbnail

Infants and toddlers can explore a wide range of feelings and emotions such as happy, excited, surprised, and grumpy! The book has engaging photos that illustrate each emotion, encouraging children to make their own fun faces to match the emotions.