What are Considerations for Selecting Sites for Program-Wide Implementation?
- Willing to serve as an exemplar in the state of high fidelity implementation of the Pyramid Model
- Must be considered a high quality program by meeting program standards (e.g., NAEYC, DEC, Head Start, QRIS)
- Will be guided by a leadership team that is invested in the model (e.g., program administrator and selected staff)
- Must have access to an internal coach whose role is to build the capacity of practitioners in the program
- Must have access to behavior support for children with persistent challenging behavior through an internal person on their team, mental health consultant, or behavior specialist
- Willing to change policies, procedures, family engagement, teacher support, and professional development practices for implementation fidelity and sustainability
- Willing to host other programs and personnel who wish to see/learn more about the Pyramid Model
What is Involved in the Program-Wide Implementation Process?
- The Leadership team will attend a multiple day training on program‐wide implementation to develop their implementation plan
- Staff in the program receive training on the Pyramid Model and coaching for implementation within their classrooms
- A coach receives training on the use of Practice-Based Coaching and how to support staff as they begin Pyramid Model implementation
- A behavior specialist receives training on how to guide the individualized, intensive intervention process
- The majority of staff (80%) agree that they want to be a part of program-wide implementation, although the program might begin their efforts in a few classrooms initially
- The program collects ongoing data on program implementation and outcomes, coaching implementation and outcomes, and child implementation and outcomes