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Getting to Know You (Spanish)

Thumbnail image of the Getting to Know You (Spanish) handout

This questionnaire helps colleagues learn about each other to build collaborative relationships. The original English version can be found in our Resource Library.The translation of this document was performed by a third party. NCPMI makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the translation.

What is the Pyramid Model? Infographic for Families (Hmong)

Thumbnail image of What is the Pyramid Model (Hmong) infographic

This overview poster is designed to describe the purpose and tiers of the Pyramid Model in “plain language.” The translation of this document was performed by a third party. NCPMI makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the translation.

Recommendations and Considerations for Positive Descriptive Feedback (Spanish)

Page 1 of the resource Recommendations and Considerations Positive Descriptive Feedback (Spanish)

Positive descriptive feedback is a powerful strategy for teaching new skills and maintaining learned skills. By providing information about the child’s behavior as part of the feedback, the teacher helps the child understand what they have done and why it is being acknowledged. The translation of this document was performed by a third party. NCPMI … Read more

The Pyramid Model Graphic (Spanish)

The Pyramid Model Graphic (Spanish) - infographic image, the text is on the left side of the pyramid.

This image of the Pyramid Model framework can be used as a visual support, or incorporated into presentations, websites, and other materials for educational purposes. Please cite the as follows: Pyramid Model for Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children. From National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations at the University of South Florida, www.challengingbehavior.org. Reprinted … Read more

I Brush My Teeth (Ojibwe)

Scripted Story I Brush my Teeth (Ojibwe) thumb

This sample scripted story shows a child learning the steps to brushing their teeth. The translation of this document was performed by a third party. NCPMI makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the translation.